80 intrepid souls

The turnout for the Island Garden Tour 2019 was terrific despite —or perhaps because of—the gloominess of the day. 80 intrepid souls plus a few wandering friends traipsed through my garden. They all received the invitation to return anytime this summer to watch the later bloomers unfold in July and August.

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my lemon day lilies

These lemon day lilies waited at least 14 summers to bloom for me because they were on a shady side of the house until I relocated them to the sunny areas of my garden. I’m told that this variety was quite popular on Deer Isle in the 1930s. Since my house was built in 1919, I would not be surprised if these plants are nearly as old as the farmhouse is. Come on the garden tour Saturday June 29th to see them in all their glory. There are several patches scattered throughout the landscape.

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